Go through Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatments: 5 Proven Ways to Improve Your Condition As Fast As Tonight extra

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatments: 5 Proven Ways to Improve Your Condition As Fast As Tonight

Sleep Apnea Devices

Sleep Apnea Devices

There are many proven obstructive sleep apnea treatments that work. However, due to the fact that each person has different health conditions, treatments that work for some may not work for you.

But don't worry, because we have many choices. Below are some of the proven techniques that can improve your condition instantly.

1) Sleep on your side not on your back:

Because obstructive sleep apnea will get worse when you sleep on your back.

The soft tissues inside your throat will fall together thus prevent breathing. Sleeping on your side will help you get rid of that thanks to the Earth's gravity!

There is a well-known technique called the "tennis ball trick." Simply input 3-4 tennis balls inside your pajamas' pocket. It will prevent you from flipping up to sleep on your back.

2) Use nasal spray:

If you know the main reason of your current sleep apnea and snoring is nasal blockage.

Believe it or not, so many Western people usually breathe through their mouths instead of their noses. Because they simply can't. They have "something" inside their noses that blocks their airway.

But don't take it as a long-term treatment. Because you will eventually get addicted to it. This is only a short-term solution.

3) Rise your head up a little bit:

This is one of the simplest method but it works very well.

It acts the same way with the "tennis ball trick." But this time, you prevent your soft tissues from falling together by simulating your head position when you're awake.

By rising up your head 30 degrees, you will decrease the chance of your airway getting blocked. This method will notably improve your breathing activity while sleeping.

4) Use nasal devices:

These devices are specifically engineered towards helping open up your airway.

It uses your own breathing to create enough pressure to keep your airway open when you're sleeping. Unlike CPAP machines, these devices have no power source and no air blower.

If you're struggling with your CPAP, this one is a good choice.

5) Use oral appliances:

Another non-CPAP therapy.

Oral appliances, or dental devices will be individually designed to fit your teeth structure. The sole purpose of them is to adjust your lower jaw to widen your airway thus improving your breathing.

Fact is, oral appliances have higher compliance rates in comparison with CPAP's. But it may cause jaw pain the first time you use it.

But we have a good news! If you find dental devices helpful the first time you use it, it would be a great sign for a successful long-term treatment. A considerable obstructive sleep apnea treatment [http://reclaim-your-sleep.com] if you ask me!

Fact is, fighting against any kind of sleep apnea requires patient and right approaches. CPAP is NOT the only solution you have! If you are SICK to death with your CPAP machine, and TIRED with your current situation, then it's time to...

...Visit my site [http://reclaim-your-sleep.com] to get your own copy of my FREE REPORT "Reclaim Your Sleep - Your Guide to Help You Conquer Obstructive Sleep Apnea" now. I know it will help you!

See you soon.