Examine Sleep Apnea Medication a lot more

Sleep Apnea Medication

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is thought to be a silent killer with millions of people affected by the condition in the USA alone. The condition is said to affect people of all ages, sex and races alike. Obese people more than 40 years of age are a high risk category and need to take sleep apnea medication if diagnosed with the condition. The treatment may continue life long depending upon your medical status. It should be started based on a thorough assessment of your medical history and analysis of your sleep pattern.

As more and more research is being directed in understanding the causes of sleep disorders, the traditional methods of treating the diseases are giving way to a more scientific approach of dealing with the problem. Needless to say that people are researchers are finding alternate sleep apnea medication to bring about improvement in the life styles of patients and enhance their life span.

One of the most important methods of treating sleep apnea is through continuous positive airway pressure or more commonly known as C PAP. The system involves use of sleep apnea masks for supply of air pressure to airways during your sleep. While the procedure is most effective, it still causes inconvenience and discomfort hence the compliance level among patients is not that high. Secondly even after using the system regularly, you may be having residual sleepiness causing you fatigue and a feeling of lack of control during day time. Sleep apnea medication can be taken by such people in conjunction with their existing line of treatment. This will address most of the cases of sleepiness in people even when they are using C PAP which till date remains the most effective treatment available for sleep apnea.

One golden rule to be followed before taking sleep apnea medication is that you have to make a fair assessment of factors behind sleep deprivation during the night. As this is one of the most common conditions, it may also lead to the wrong diagnosis. Thus lack of sleep due to stress and related factors is not sleep apnea. You may end up being on the wrong side of medication if you do not apply time and effort diagnosing the symptoms and causes. Similar is the case where your sleep deprivation in night is treated as simple case of stress and heartburn when actually you are afflicted with sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea medication can also be used as a bridge therapy where the patients are prescribed the medication during the time; they are upgrading from existing C PAP procedures to a more prolonged use in the night. This may be required to address the sleepiness during the daytime. A number of anti depressant drugs are also found to have some therapeutic values for treating sleep apnea. It is found that some of these drugs reduce the number of times patients have to get up in night due to their medical condition. These medications manipulate the brain chemicals responsible for helping people breathe normally during the night. A lot of research is being done and clinical trials are on before these wonder drugs are available as effective sleep apnea medication.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea. by T. D. Houser

Read through Snoring and Sleep Apnea: What Are the Facts About Oral Appliances Versus CPAP? additional

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which your breathing stops for a very brief moment during routine sleep as a result of a narrowing or blocking of the airway. Patients may sometimes be experiencing hundreds of these apnea episodes, or interruptions in breathing, through any one given night. Most people diagnosed with this medical condition, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), have a major problem with snoring. Snoring becomes problematic either for themselves or for a partner, spouse or other family member with whom they're sleeping.

There are several different common treatments for obstructive sleep apnea patients to get the condition under control, including snoring and apnea episodes. Oral appliances, or OAs, open the upper airway usually by pulling up while the OSA patient inhales and exhales. This makes the airways less narrow, which reduces snoring and, supposedly, apnea episodes as well. The other major treatment for OSA patients is with the use of continuous positive airway pressure machines. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines actually send forced air through the airways, holding them open to prevent apnea and reducing snoring.

Of course, there is much debate about the various treatments for obstructive sleep apnea and which yields the best results. In some cases, the patient may experience less apnea episodes (which is a good thing), but then experience more snoring or additional side effects. Research by scientists and professionals in the medical community has been conducted, especially over the past decade, to compare the effectiveness of CPAP versus other treatments like oral appliances.

CPAP Machines at Work

Before delving into the myriad of research scientists have performed with obstructive sleep apnea patients and CPAP technology, you must first understand how CPAP works to get sleep apnea and other symptoms, like snoring, under control. Most of the time in sleep apnea patients, the physiological cause of snoring and apnea episodes is because of the relaxation of muscles that occurs. This relaxation causes tissues in the back of the throat and the uvula to collapse, which ultimately restricts the passage of air. In turn, this affects your breathing through the night.

When a CPAP machine is prescribed for a sleep apnea patient, he or she is given a large machine as well as a CPAP mask. What happens during the night is that the patient wears the mask, which is connected to the machine. The CPAP machine forces air -- via the CPAP mask -- using positive pressure that gets sent to the airway to prevent its obstruction and improve breathing. In addition to improving breathing, the CPAP mask and machine also improves snoring.

Research on CPAP Effectiveness

The research conducted on CPAP machines have largely centered on their effectiveness for reducing snoring, apnea episodes and other symptoms associated with obstructive sleep apnea. When you consider the entire body of research, you may conclude the CPAP is perhaps the most effective treatment on the market for OSA patients. However, there are downsides as well.

Researchers at a university in Tokyo published a study in a 2004 issue of Internal Medicine in which they looked at the patient's quality of life, depressive symptoms and excessive daytime sleepiness before and after being treated with a CPAP machine. Before treatment with CPAP, researchers found that patients' quality of life was significantly associated with the ratings on their self-depression scales. After treatment, however, self-depression scales reduced significantly as also did the excessive sleepiness scale scores. The researchers concluded that treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea with CPAP improves patients' quality of life by alleviating depression.

Being treated with a CPAP machine at home also has great implications for your relationship with a spouse or bed partner. Researchers at a university in Chicago, Illinois, published a 2007 study in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in which they examined the sleep of married couples, both in the laboratory and at home. The researchers measured both the husband's and wives' quality of life (QOL) using a special self-report scale, and they also required the participants to take a sleepiness scale.

While the husband's adjustment to being treated with CPAP was positive and actually raised his QOL scores, the same was not true for the wives. Whether it was the noise from the machine or simply being conditioned to arousal, the wives' QOL scores were lower than the husband's after being treated with CPAP. In other words, the husband adjusted better to being treated with CPAP than the wives' did. However, researchers conclude that a longer follow-up period is needed in further research to determine if similar effects are seen.

Research on Oral Appliances

A comprehensive review published in a 2006 issue of Sleep looked at over 150 studies by researchers who conducted experiments and surveys designed to examine the efficacy of oral appliances. Oral appliances that were studied include those that are designed to hold the mandible forward and in place during sleep. The idea behind these devices is that the oral appliance will allow unobstructed breathing. Other studies the researchers reviewed used "boil and bite" OAs that the patients could fit themselves. The majority of the rest of the studies, however, used tongue-retaining devices (TRDs) that required a dentist to first make impressions and then a custom-made device to adequately fit the patient.

The researchers in the review article found that oral appliances are effective for controlling snoring and obstructive sleep apnea for the majority, but not all, patients. Specifically, approximately 52% of treated patients achieved success in controlling sleep apnea episodes when being treated with oral appliances. The researchers also compared the use and effectiveness of oral appliances to that of CPAP machines for sleep apnea and snoring. What they found was that oral appliances are overall less effective in improving sleep apnea than a CPAP machine is. However, oral appliances appear to be used more and many patients prefer these devices over CPAP when there is a choice between the two.

Overall, it appears that oral appliances and CPAP do work to get obstructive sleep apnea under control. However, these techniques or treatments may not work at the same rates of success and whether you're treated with CPAP over oral appliances, or vice versa, depends much on your specific situation and medical recommendations. Researchers have demonstrated enormous success using CPAP treatments on serious cases of obstructive sleep apnea and, while there may be a few downsides, CPAP seems to be the treatment modality of choice that's recommended most of the time.

Sleep Apnea Devices

Please feel free to stop by our website for help with what works and what doesn't to help you with your snoring problems. Check out the facts about using a snoring mouth guard [http://snoringmouthguard.net/] and whether or not stop snoring mouth guards [http://snoringmouthguard.net/types-of-snoring-mouth-guards/] might work for you.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea: What Are the Facts About Oral Appliances Versus CPAP?

Examine The Working of the CPAP - Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatments (Part 1) more

When OSA is to be treated immediately, the first priority is to consider one of the medically recognised devices. This means that the device should be independently medically tested and the results published in a medical journal. Next to palatal and oral devices, the CPAP is on the top of the list.

Within the medical field the CPAP was of course previously regarded as the "Rolls Royce" when it comes to the treatment of OSA. This perception is changing due to patients' lack of adherence and physicians are slowly taking note of this fact. However the CPAP is probably the first apparatus suggested to you by your physician/specialist or when attending a sleep test lab. Perhaps this is because the CPAP is known to be effective (although often not tolerated) or just out of ignorance about the alternatives.

Many medical studies have been conducted over time, especially on the CPAP apparatus (and its variations) and oral and palatal devices. All these studies are medically accepted and publicly available for everyone to read or some of you may have to pay for it or be a paying member of a medical forum if you wish to read them in full. Usually they are displayed on the sellers website or otherwise you need to ask for them.

Many devices have had no medical studies conducted at all and you should stay away from these or you may be taking a chance as to whether they will be a successful form of treatment for you or not. Remember, client feedback and comments are NOT accepted as proven medical test/study results so be sure to ask for medical test evidence rather than just believing user comments and statements. Also make sure the tests have been actually performed on that particular device by name and not another or different similar looking product.

CPAP stands for Constant Positive Airway Pressure and works on the principle of using normal room air to produce a positive air pressure in the airways by means of a face mask. The mask can either cover only your nose or both mouth and nose depending on which one you normally breathe through. The positive air pressure acts as a pneumatic splint keeping the upper palatal soft tissues (behind your nose) and lower throat area (back of the tongue) separated and allowing breathing with ease.

For a snorer these are also the tissues that vibrate and create that dreadful snoring noise. So snoring can be the onset of OSA. With OSA sufferers these tissues don't only vibrate, they actually collapse, close off and stop you from breathing.

The results when using a CPAP apparatus are instant and most people will feel the difference the night after using it for the first time. The quality of life begins to improve because you feel more refreshed and are probably in a noticeably better mood. Your blood pressure will probably drop over time without the need for medication and life will start to get back to normal. It is generally advised to have yourself retested in a sleep lab every 12-18 month as the pressure levels need to be individually adjusted to your needs. More modern machines do have removable "chips" that you present to your sleep physician for evaluation.

If you are thinking of getting a CPAP there are a few things you may need to know first. As good as the CPAP is medically, statistically, up to 75% of people give it away after only a few weeks or months and then sadly remain untreated. You may ask: Why would you? Well most people don't like to sleep like an astronaut with a mask and associated gear or they simply don't tolerate the machine for various reasons such as leaking masks, associated noise, dry and sore throat/mouth upon waking, pressure points on face from mask, eye infections or the feeling of suffocation. The initial cost and reoccurring replacement cost of parts can also be an issue for some people while others just find it embarrassing to have such a machine in the bedroom.

Go and view some of the comments in OSA forums to get a better idea of what I am referring to. Agreed, it is not the most comfortable thing to wear a mask if you want to go to sleep. And yes, you do need a power point wherever you go unless you also buy a back-up battery pack.

However you have to consider health versus comfort here. Your health is more important and besides, you DO HAVE a medical condition that may create a life threatening disease. Having used a CPAP for years prior to finding an alternative, I would advise people to hire a CPAP for at least a few weeks prior to purchasing to see how you fair. This is often offered and could well save you quite a lot of money. Also you will get to know more about the different apparatuses currently available on the market and which one is best for you. There are also second hand models for sale on several sleep forums and in your area.

If the cost is too much for you then you may wish to look at some of the alternatives. If you are looking for an alternative right from the start, there are a few good ones on the market that you should keep an eye out for. Your solution may lie in a Oral or Velum Palatal Device that could get your life back to normal almost instantly. They too work very well without many of the inconveniences and cost involved.

Sleep Apnea Devices

To find out more on this topic follow the link by clicking here.

Cheers, Ben Bosshard

The Working of the CPAP - Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatments (Part 1)

Study Sleep Apnea - Snoring's Not So Silent Killer a lot more

Whilst snoring can be an annoying and tiresome condition for both the snorer and their loved ones, it is not in itself particularly dangerous and certainly not life threatening. There is however another affliction, linked to snoring, which can have far more dangerous medical implications. This is sleep apnea, or apnoea.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea, otherwise known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a sleeping disorder that causes breathing to be interrupted during sleep.

During sleep, sufferers of OSA can stop breathing for up to 10 seconds when obstructions in their airways stop the flow of air into their lungs. When this happens, the lack of oxygen causes the person to wake from a deep sleep into a much lighter sleep or a fully awake state. This is often combined with a very loud snore or snort to clear the blockage.

There are 2 main types of breathing interruptions:

1) Apnea - when the muscles in the throat relax and collapse causing a total blockage of the airway

2) Hypoapnea - when there is a partial blockage of the airway reducing the amount of air brought in to the lungs by over 50%.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Due to the repeated cycle of waking from a deep sleep and lack of oxygen the most common symptoms of OSA are excessive tiredness during the day. Although this in itself is not life threatening, people that suffer from OSA can fall asleep suddenly during the day. Doing so when driving or operating machinery could very easily be life threatening.

Other symptoms of OSA include poor memory, anxiety, depression and headaches.

Recognizing or detecting OSA

Sleep apnea is very often un-recognized as people think that they are just generally over tired. The major signs of sleep apnoea are:

• A choking/loud snoring sounds when you sleep

• Pauses in breath when sleeping

• Excessive tiredness and fatigue during the day

• Falling asleep during the day

If you sleep in the same room as a loved one they may be able to help identify snoring as OSA.

There are several factors which increase the risk of snoring and OSA including:

• Being overweight/obesity

• Smoking

• Drinking alcohol

OSA cures and treatments

Although it may not be possible to cure sleep apnea entirely it may be possible to significantly reduce it and the effects it has. Treatments can include:

Lifestyle changes such as:

• Losing weight

• Cutting down on smoking and drinking

• Sleeping on your side or stomach

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines

CPAP machines are sleeping apparatus that assist your breathing while you sleep. A mask is placed over your nose and mouth and delivers a constant supply of compressed air that prevents your throat from closing. CPAP machines are the most common treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

For examples of CPAP machines please see Snoring Cures HQ.

Sleep Apnea
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Sleep Apnea - Snoring's Not So Silent Killer

Read What is Obstructed Sleep Apnea? a lot more

Sleep apnea is a disorder that commonly affects more than a million people in the world. Obstructive sleep apnea is much more frequent than central sleep apnea, but it is also a common state in many areas of the world. Since the tonality of muscle of the body usually slackens during the sleep, and since, on the level of the throat, the human air route is composed of soft fabric walls, which can break down, it is easy to understand why breathing can be blocked during sleep - in particular in the obese.

Although many individuals test episodes of obstructive sleep apnea of sleep at a certain point in life, a much smaller percentage of the people are afflicted with the obstructive sleep apnea that engraves chronic sleep.

Whenever the flow of air is to a degree where the levels of the oxygen of blood fall then it starts a sudden interruption of sleep, called a neurological awakening. These arousals can have a significantly negative effect on the strengthening quality of sleep.
Provisional orthography of obstructive sleep apnea of sleep can also occur in the individuals who are under the influence of a drug which can slacken their tonality of the body excessively and interfere in the normal awakening from sleep.

Causes of obstructive sleep apnea

The primary risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea is excessive weight gain. Age is another important risk factor. Loss of muscle is a common consequence of the aging process. If a muscle decreases it may be replaced with fat, leaving the airway narrow and soft. Men have a greater risk for obstructive sleep apnea. Male hormones can cause structural changes in the upper airway. Other factors associated with obstructive sleep apnea are:

1. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids, the main causes of obstructive sleep apnea in children
2. Family history of obstructive sleep apnea.

3. Use of alcohol and sleeping drugs, which relax the musculature in the surrounding upper airway

4. Smoking

5. Nasal congestion


This interruption of sleep can create obstructions in the normal growth, particularly in children and of young adults. . This can be the result of a higher respiratory infection, which causes the nasal congestion, with the swelling of the throat, which produces temporarily enlarged tonsils.

Sleep Apnea
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What is Obstructed Sleep Apnea?

Study Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatments For People Who Simply Can't Bear The CPAP! extra

Obstructive sleep apnea treatments have 3 primal branches.

The first branch is machine-related. Or to say in other words, everything belongs to positive airway pressure machines!

The second branch is surgery-related. Or everything that will help you breathe better by "adjusting" some soft tissues and lax muscles inside your mouth and throat.

The third branch is alternative solutions. Or to say in other word, everything that is not related to the previous two! It contains changing lifestyles, natural therapies, alternative devices for CPAP's, etc.

Now let's take a closer look at the third one, what we have here are:

1) Changing your lifestyles:

Are you smoking? Do you use alcohol or sedative drugs before sleeping? Does your sleeping schedule vary like a cosine diagram? If that person is you, then it's time for a change. Smoking kills! Quit it now.

Alcohol and sedative drugs worsen your obstructive sleep apnea condition. Ask doctor for advices.

A constant sleeping schedule will help more than you can imagine! Set one and stick with it. You'll see.

2) Having some extra pounds?

It's scientifically approved that obesity is one of the most popular reasons that can lead to or cause obstructive sleep apnea! In many cases, losing weight equals improving obstructive sleep apnea condition. If you're overweight, then it's time to cut them out! Take exercises and proper diet campaign, you'll improve your current condition. But weight loss is not an "overnight" process. Be patient with yourself!

3) What are the possible natural therapies?

They contain using herbs, and other therapies such as acupuncture. Fact is, there are many people claim that they've successfully cure themselves from obstructive sleep apnea by applying natural therapies. However, due to the lack of "scientific" evidences, some of them are not publicly approved. But it's not the whole story.

Acupuncture is a very successful story. And many people have been cured by that exactly method!

4) "Weird" obstructive sleep apnea treatments!?

Have you ever heard of "singing" therapy? OK, you might know it already. What about "Didgeridoo" therapy? "Sorry... Didge... what?" Both of them are muscle-strengthened exercises that aim to "tone" your lax muscles and soft tissues inside your throat that tend to collapse together while sleeping. And you know that it's one of the main reasons why you have apnea episodes.

5) "CPAP sucks! Is there any alternative device?"

If that question describes you, then we have good news.

Yes, we have alternative devices for improving your current situation!

Sleep Apnea Devices

They are called oral appliances, or dental devices. They are specifically designed to adjust your lower jaw to widen your airway.

These devices have a higher compliance rates than CPAP's!

A considerable obstructive sleep apnea treatment [http://reclaim-your-sleep.com] if you ask me.

If you want to find even MORE possible CPAP-Free treatments to reign over obstructive sleep apnea, then it's time to...

Visit my site [http://reclaim-your-sleep.com] to get your FREE REPORT "Reclaim Your Sleep - Your Guide to Help You Conquer Obstructive Sleep Apnea Without CPAP's." I know it can help!

See you inside.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatments For People Who Simply Can't Bear The CPAP!

Read Use Of Oral Appliances For Treating Snoring And Sleep Apnea a lot more

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, or CPAP, delivered through machines such as masks and cushions, helps management of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is caused by blocked airways, leading to pauses and interruptions in breathing. CPAP helps relieve this problem by physically delivering air to the individual's system through oral tubes, masks and nasal pillows and similar CPAP appliances designed for the purpose. Oral appliances also include a category of tools called dental devices.

Oral appliances can prove to be a great help as they deliver air directly and continuously, thus not letting a pause occur in the breathing. Since this is the final aim of CPAP therapy, oral appliances can be considered useful in helping adaptability towards treatment and adherence and compliance.

Types of oral appliances
Oral appliances come in various forms. Fortunately, this diversity helps individuals choose the one that suits them and meets their needs in the best possible way without excess intrusion in their everyday lives.

Some individuals may suffer from consistently low breathing throughout their sleep. If they suffer from pauses in sleep, these pauses may be as long as 60 seconds each (one minute), with a frequency of as many as 20 or more such pauses within a minute. Most individuals who suffer from sleep apnea are not even aware that they have a problem. Sleep apnea is either diagnosed by someone close enough to witness the problem as it occurs, or who is disturbed by strong and loud snoring of the individual.

Dental devices are oral appliances that work through controlling jaw and tongue movements that cause blockage of the airways. When fitted by an dentist or a skilled dental professional, these control movements inside the mouth that could cause physical obstructions to the passageways, in turn leading to interrupted breathing and obstructive sleep apnea.

Mandibular: Mandibular devices are one of the common devices used to treat sleep apnea. It works by pushing the lower jaw down and forward slightly which helps keep the airway open.

Tongue: This is useful for individuals whose tongues restrict their airways. The tongue retraining device holds the tongue down to prevent it from blocking the airway.

Usually, oral appliances are not recommended for severe apneas. However, depending upon how the patient responds, CPAP can be continued with the aid of these. Usually, dental devices or oral appliances are suggested for mild to moderate forms of apneas.

Some pointers to usage
> Unlike conventional CPAP devices, oral appliances may provide a higher degree of freedom of movement to some patients.
> For some, it could help in sleeping sideways, though not lying flat on the back.
> Improvement in frequency of sleeping pauses and snoring.
> Overall improvement in quality of sleep due to continuous adherence to the treatment.

Sleep Apnea Devices

SleepVIP ( http://www.sleepvip.com ) is a coming-together of individuals with more than 60 years of healthcare experience, aiming to bring sufferers of sleep apnea closer to relief. The company is committed to making sleep apnea machines, nasal masks( http://www.sleepvip.com/nasal-masks ) and oral appliances more accessible. The Sleep VIP "Pay It Forward" charitable foundation commits a percentage of each sale to one of four charities, including the American Sleep Apnea Association, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, and the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure.

Use Of Oral Appliances For Treating Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Read Sleep Apnea Cures - The Best Ways to Cure Sleep Apnea! more

Sleep Apnea

Those that suffer from sleep apnea know that it can be very dangerous and they know that it can ruin a good night of rest as well. The problem is that most over the counter products that claim to be sleep apnea cures barely work. They might help a little bit, but they certainly do not cure the problem at all. Here are some natural tips to help you with your sleep disorder.

1. Stop smoking and drinking

If you are a smoker, especially if you smoke more than a full pack each day, then you can cure your sleep problems just by quitting the bad habit of smoking. This also goes for those that are heavy drinkers and it can be very dangerous to drink a lot of you suffer from sleep apnea. This could even be deadly if you happen to have a severe case and you do not find one of the sleep apnea treatments soon.

2. Start exercising

Those that are heavier, especially, can help cure their sleeping problems by losing some weight through exercise. Exercise will also help to strengthen your lungs and make it easier for you to breathe while you are sleeping. This is a great way to become healthier as well and when you are healthier you will sleep much better. Sleep apnea cures come in many forms, but if you are not in very good shape exercise can be the answer you have been searching for.

3. Using a special pillow or mouth piece

If you are desperate or you need a temporary solution while you are working on quitting smoking or drinking or you are starting a new exercise program, then you can use a pillow made to be one of the sleep apnea cures or you can use a mouth piece designed to help keep your airway clear. This can help, but it is not recommended for the long term. Use the pillow and/or the mouth piece until you start to feel healthier and try to go a night without them to see how things go.

Basically those that are suffering from a sleep disorder can usually link it back to the type of lifestyle they live. Those with a good and balanced diet that exercise regularly rarely have the sleeping problems that those without a healthy diet and regular exercise suffer from. You just need to find the sleep apnea cure that is right for you. And with the internet, you may even come across an e-book that can guide you to get rid of this condition effectively.

Click here [http://bestsleepapneacures.info/] now to cure sleep apnea [http://bestsleepapneacures.info/] forever - with the help of an e-book!

Sleep Apnea Cures - The Best Ways to Cure Sleep Apnea!

Examine Sleep Apnea Pillow much more

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes the sufferer to stop breathing for periods while they sleep. There are three kinds of sleep apnea currently: obstructive, central and mixed. The common is obstructive where the throat muscles become over relaxed which leads to the collapse of the windpipe that blocks the airway. Sleep apnea can be treated by lifestyle changes or with surgery for the more extreme cases. A common, non-surgical option is sleep apnea pillow.

Sleep apnea pillows are specially designed to help snoring, the most noticeable sign of the apnea. The pillows work by giving the neck support and keeping sufferers from being able to completely roll to their backs, the position that apnea is worse in. They lengthen the neck and cradle the head which stops the tongue from being able to block the airway. Sleep apnea pillows also help by easing the pressure place on the arms and shoulders while the sufferer sleeps.

There are many different companies that make this special pillows. There is only one that has FDA approval, the SONA sleep apnea pillow. This pillow consist of two triangular shaped layers that make it look like a boomerang with padding. It angular design is what makes it unique. It forces the user to stay on their side. The two surfaces that are inclined make the main sleeping area while the center is a lower flat surface.

The lower parts of the triangle have arm slings for training. The user lies on his side with their arm extended under the pillow. The arm needs to be kept extended during sleeping with the head staying on the same side as the arm. The training slings can be used at first to ensure that you stay in this position by putting your arm in the space in the middle of the pillow and sling. For more comfort you may want to add to the apnea pillow you may want to use a body pillow to keep you in the correct position.

When used like this it will keep the jaw pulled forward and keep the tongue from falling back and blocking the air way. Some people can not use these types of pillows. When people have severe sleep apnea simply using the pillow of any kind will not work. Especially people who are extremely obese will not get as much relief as thinner people. Apnea pillows do need fluffed on occasion and should be replaced every year for maximum benefit.

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Sleep Apnea Pillow

Understand Sleep Apnea Remedies more

Sleep Apnea Devices

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by frequent stops in breathing, often lasting up to a minute. Each of these "breathless" episodes is called an apnea event, which can occur as often as a hundred times a night. The consequences of sleep apnea can be life threatening, including hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular disease. Several sleep apnea remedies are available, varying from lifestyle changes, to oral devices, to surgery.

Of the three types of sleep apnea, the most common is obstructive, resulting when tissue, the tongue, or relaxed throat muscles obstruct the airway. Lifestyle changes, the least invasive of sleep apnea remedies, are the first step to relieve sleep apnea. These changes most often include losing weight, avoiding alcohol, reducing caffeine, and the cessation of smoking.

Sleep position adjustment is another of the non-invasive sleep apnea remedies. Avoid sleeping on the back; instead sleep on the stomach or on the side. Sleeping on the back allows the tongue to relax toward the back of the throat, blocking the airway. Turning to the side and staying there can help prevent obstruction occurring. Using pillows to prop the head can also help, as can a hard object, such as a tennis ball propped behind the back to prevent rolling over during sleep.

Oral devices, moderately invasive, can also be used as sleep apnea remedies. Oral devices range from simple prosthetics placed in the mouth during sleep to prevent the tongue from obstructing the airway, to the use of CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP uses a medical pump, attached to flexible tubing, which is attached to a mask that fits over the nose, or mouth or both. Via this mask, the CPAP pumps a stream of air into the mouth during sleep to keep the airway open.

Other sleep apnea remedies include palate (roof of the mouth) stiffening. Insertions of polyester material into the palate lessen vibration. Scarring, too, can stiffen the palate, achieved by injecting a scarring solution (injection snoreplasty), using a laser, or surgery to create the scarring.

Airway widening through tissue reduction is yet another of the sleep apnea remedies. Radiofrequency Tissue Reduction (RFTR) involves piercing the tongue, soft palate or throat using a needle connected to a radio frequency generator. The inner tissues shrink, but outer tissues, those that contain taste buds, remain unaffected.

The most invasive sleep apnea remedies are surgical procedures. Uvulopalatoplasty is a procedure that can shrink or remove the uvula (that tissue that dangles from the roof of the mouth in the back of the throat). Nasal surgery involves straightening the septum (the barrier between the nostrils) in patients where nasal congestion complicates the sleep apnea. In addition, a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy may be performed to widen the airway.

The most invasive of sleep apnea remedies, is a surgical procedure called Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA). MMA is performed only in the most difficult cases. It involves detaching the upper and lower jaw, moving them forward and reattaching them with pins or plates.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea. by T. D. Houser

Sleep Apnea Remedies

Sleep Apnea Devices

Examine Sleep Apnea Side Effects extra

If sleep apnea side effects were not so serious, many people would be happy to go to sleep. But it's not so easy to sleep when you know that you have a real problem with sleep apnea.

As time passes, sleep apnea (SA) becomes more serious and dangerous to your life. All aspects of your life will be affected, including quality of life and psychological problems.

If you have SA, you will start with a very bad sleep, with nights struggling to breathe and noisy snoring that will make your partner to wonder about you and your future together.

You will have negative changes in personality, a poor work performance and a continuous decrease of quality of life.

And this is only the beginning...

Let's suppose that you avoid to treat sleep apnea for a period of time. What will happen to you?
Well, at first you will be affected by serious health problems, such as:

* heart arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythm

This problem is very common at patients with SA. Your heart may have long pauses between beats, even 2 or 3 seconds long, or extra beats.

Arrhythmia, which appear during sleep, is a risk of sudden death. If you didn't know this, now you have a reason to be afraid to sleep.

The good news is that when you start CPAP therapy, this problem will disappear.

* There is a strong correlation between sleep apnea and obesity. Obesity is known to have an influence on sleep disordered breathing, and to affect sleep quality.

* low blood oxygen level is another one of the typical SA side effects responsible for worsening your health.

Your blood oxygen level will decrease during the night. With each apnea episode, your blood oxygen will drop to an abnormal level and affect your cells. The most affected organ of your body will be the brain.
That's why you may have memory loss, strange judgments, loss of balance and loss of proper coordination of movements. You'll be surprised to find simple work tasks to be too difficult to do.

* high blood pressure symptoms appear as effects of your low blood oxygen level. If this symptoms continue to appear, the risk of stroke will increase to an alarming level.

* SA and congestive heart failure are often found together, especially if you have central SA.
This side effect of SA results from delivery of low blood oxygen level to the body tissues.

* Scientists have found that sleep deprivation from SA disorder may be an important risk factor in the development of diabetes.

* car accidents are very common at drivers with SA.

The main reason is drowsy driving, which results from excessive daytime sleepiness.

* Can sleep apnea cause death?

Knowing all SA side effects, you will now wonder if sleep apnea is deadly. And I think you already know the answer, isn't it?

Unfortunately, there is more side effects of SA:

Your quality of life will be seriously affected.

SA and depression is a tough combination. The risk of depression rises when you see your work performance is affected or your bed partner announces to leave you.

Psychological problems, like irritability, anger, loss of memory and confusion will slowly destroy your mental health.

Enough with bad news!

I want to remember that all this health problems can disappear if you use a proper treatment of SA.

The CPAP therapy can help eliminate many of these SA side effects, even from the first days of use!

Learn more about Sleep Apnea by Thiery Remy at Sleep-Apnea-Guide.com.

Sleep Apnea Side Effects

Sleep Apnea

Understand Researchers Conduct Sleep Apnea Study more

Researchers have been investigating sleep and its effects on the human population for a long time. One of the current focuses is on sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by frequent stops in breathing. Consequences of sleep apnea can be serious, including hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular disease, and currently affects over 18 million Americans. Sleep apnea study, therefore, can benefit a major portion of the population.

The National Sleep Foundation, the American Sleep Apnea Association, and The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research, are a few organizations who conduct sleep apnea studies. These sleep apnea study researchers not only examine the origin and the effects of the disorder, but other diseases and disorders that can be affected by sleep apnea.

One such sleep apnea study is The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of NIH's "Sleep Heart Health Study" (SHHS). NHLBI reported in April of 2000 that middle-aged and older adults with sleep apnea showed a 45 percent greater risk of hypertension--a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The sleep apnea study involved more than 6,000 adults aged 40 and over, whose sleep apnea was assessed via at home polysomnography (PSG). PSG records body activity during sleep, such as eye movement, heart rate, respiratory effort, airflow and blood oxygen levels. The result: the risk of hypertension increased with the severity of the apnea in all participants, regardless of age, sex, race, or weight. The risk was evident even at moderate levels of sleep apnea.

A different sleep apnea study, conducted by Jana R. Cooke, MD, of the University of California at San Diego, examined patients with both Alzheimer disease and a sleep-related breathing disorder. This study focused on 48 adults, average age 77.8 years, treating them for the sleep disorder with CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure, the most common treatment for sleep apnea. Results: the patients slept more during the night and slept deeper. Since waking episodes are a problem for Alzheimer's patients, improving their sleep, improved their quality of life.

A third sleep apnea study, performed at the St. George Hospital, University of New South Wales in Koragah, Australia, focused on the effectiveness of oral devices to keep the airway open to relieve sleep apnea. The sleep apnea study consisted of 4 weeks of treatment with the MAS, and a control device (an inactive oral appliance). Sleep apnea tests were performed on each patient at the end of each treatment period. Results showed that in 59 men and 14 women of an average age of 48 years, the MAS Therapy improved a range of symptoms associated with sleep apnea. Daytime sleepiness was reduced, as was sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep once lights are out.)

These three sleep apnea studies are but a small portion of research projects for sleep apnea. NIH's currently lists over 50 sleep apnea studies on their website as "in progress" or "searching for subjects.

Sleep Apnea Devices
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Researchers Conduct Sleep Apnea Study

Read through Most Popular Sleep Apnea Treatment Options additional

Sleep Apnea Devices

Although sleep apnea treatment is available, most people fail to use it because they don't even know they have a problem. If this sleep disorder goes untreated, it can lead to dangerous health complications, such as hypertension and heart problems. Keep reading to learn more about various treatments which you can use to lessen the effects of sleep apnea.


A common treatment is to wear a face mask which serves as a support that keeps the air way open through the night. This is the most common treatment and it is also the simplest too. This device which is also called a chin strap, simply fits over the head, and supports the chin. Its function is to keep the air flowing correctly through the airway passageway by ensuring that the mouth does not open during sleep, which causes both snoring and sleep apnea.

Another go-to method for apnea patients is using a treatment called CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). This sleep apnea treatment has a machine which sets a prescribed air pressure for the individual using it. While it may be uncomfortable at first, most people who use this treatment get used to it a few weeks after regular use.

Dental devices can also be used for treatment of this sleeping disorder. However, they are only effective if it is a moderate case of this medical issue. There are a number of side-effects associated with this method including saliva build-up and soreness. If you don't want to go through this treatment, then you can always take the easiest approaches and lose weight and stop smoking. Most people who do this notice an immediate difference in the intensity of their problem.


Sleep apnea treatment can help relieve some of the chronic conditions associated with the condition. They can improve memory and concentration, daytime sleepiness, and even lessen the chance of heart disease and diabetes. Studies have also been conducted proving that CPAP is just as effective as taking a blood pressure pill. It is important that people who suffer from this partake in some form of treatment to avoid serious or even life threatening health problems later on down the road.

Description: The importance of receiving sleep apnea treatment cannot be overstated. It is crucial that you take the time to learn all of the treatments available so that you can make the right decision as to which one works best for you.

Further information on sleep apnea treatment and anti snoring devices can be found on my website.

Most Popular Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

Sleep Apnea Devices

Study Sleep Apnea - To Snore or Not to Snore much more

Sleep Apnea - To Snore or Not to Snore

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

There is nothing more embarrassing than waking yourself up with a loud snore. A full night's sleep became a thing of the past and was replaced with morning headaches and fatigue. I was tired all day long and getting through a ten hour work day was getting to be a chore.

I decided to make an appointment with my primary care doctor. I was finally asking for help. My doctor listened to all my symptoms and complaints and looked up from her lap top computer and said that I had sleep apnea and wanted to make an appointment for a sleep study as soon as possible. My doctor explained that sleep apnea was a serious medical condition that was characterized by snoring and day time sleepiness. People who had sleep apnea complained of being sleepy and tired. They would snore and stop breathing in their sleep. Frequently, the spouse wakes up because of the snoring. My husband would wake me up and ask me to roll on my side.

The sleep study was an overnight stay at the hospital in a special area where you were placed in a room that looked very much like a bedroom. They mailed a list of requirements one week before your sleep study appointment. You were to be at the hospital by 6 p.m. and bring either pajama top and bottom or a sweat
pant and a loose top. You could bring toiletries and bring your own pillow.

I was admitted to the Sleep Study area of the hospital and was taken to my bedroom. The nurse came in and explained that I would be given time to relax by reading or watching television. You could also bring in light snack food and bottled water. About 8 p.m. the nurse came into my room and told me she had to prepare me for my sleep studies. She placed electrode patches on various places on my scalp, face, arms and legs. Then long wires were attached to these electrodes and finally connected to a small bedside monitor. She also let me practice with a breathing device which was placed over my nose. This device was attached to long plastic tube which was connected to a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine that was placed at my bedside. The nurse explained that the CPAP machine would flow pressurized air through my nose and keep my airway open when I laid down to sleep. I would also be monitored by a camera all night and a call light was placed at my bedside, as getting out of bed was difficult due to the wires that were attached to your arms and legs.

Falling asleep wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. But I drifted off to sleep after a few episodes of tossing and turning. At about 12midnight, I was awakened by the nurse and given the nose piece to put on. This nose piece was held in place with a elastic strap placed over my head by my ears. Falling back asleep with this device attached to my nose was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I had to concentrate on keeping my mouth closed because as soon as I started to fall asleep my mouth breathing habit would take over and I would wake up with the air rushing out through my mouth. After a few episodes of mouth breathing, the nurse returned to my room and placed a chinstrap that kept my mouth from opening. I struggled with that chinstrap and needless to say it was a long night. In the morning the nurse gave me some information about my oxygen level without the breathing device. The normal oxygen level is 90-100%. I was at 65% oxygen level and that is not a good level.

Within a week of the Sleep Study I was using the CPAP machine every night and
after one month of changing nose pieces I found that I could not tolerate the CPAP machine. I was placed on oxygen with the nasal cannula tubing which did not require the pressurized oxygen.

I also learned that sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that could lead to other problems such as heart problems. The risk factors related to snoring are heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, and increased tiredness and sleep apnea.

Do not be afraid to let your doctor know about your abnormal sleeping habits. It could help prevent future health problems and give you a good night's rest and peace of mind.

Jim Martinez is a National Sales Director for Ameriplan USA, offering discount dental, prescription, health, vision and chiropractic plans. For information on Ameriplan discount dental plans and more health related articles, visit http://www.familydentalhealthplans.com

Understand Say Goodbye To Sleep Apnea With Dental Treatments much more

Most oral problems come with recognizable symptoms which alert you to seek help from your dentist. Some others are not so obvious, and if left untreated, can lead to serious conditions including death. Sleep Apnea has been called the silent killer because of the fact that it is not easy to identify initially, since it works when you are asleep. You really can't call it silent, though, if your partner has complained about you snoring on several occasions.

Can Snoring Harm You?

Snoring disrupts the normal pattern of breathing while you sleep. It limits the chances of you having a healthy sleep process. Most people don't consider snoring as a serious problem but you will be surprised to learn that it affects more than a million of Australians, particularly people who are overweight or over 50 years of age. Snoring affects personal lives and even impacts the individual's relationship with their significant other. Snoring also leads to tiredness and fatigue.

Could It Be Sleep Apnea?

You are told that you snore when you sleep. At times, a muscle spasm occurs when your brain registers a lack of oxygen and you find yourself gasping for air. After the interrupted sleep, you resume breathing and go back to sleep. You stop breathing for almost a minute and this may happen as many as thirty times a night. You wake up felling unrefreshed and feel tired all day. Sleep apnea occurs due to the obstruction of airway during sleep, often due to relaxation of tongue and the muscles of the airway.

Can Sleep Apnea Be Cured?

It certainly can. Consult your dentist for advice if you are in doubt that you suffer from Sleep Apnea. There are a variety of sleep apnea oral appliances like SomnoDent that are available today and you no longer have to suffer sleepless nights ever again.

Your dentist will carry out a thorough examination to ensure that SomnoDent will work for you. Impressions of your teeth are taken and a customised SomnoDent sleep apnea treatment device is created for you. Similar to an athletic mouth guard, device is designed to hold your lower jaw forward while you sleep. This enables the muscles of the upper airway to tighten, and allow you to breathe much easier. This comfortable device will allow you to open your mouth, speak, and drink when you have it on.

Following the treatment, you will need to consult your dentist at least once a year and carry out an in-home test to make sure that your breathing disorder is under control. The test results enable your dentist to decide if any adjustments are required and also give you peace of mind when you learn that you are not at any risk.

Say goodbye to snoring and sleep apnea. SomnoDent Oral Sleep Apnea Appliances is a comfortable and effective treatment for sleep apnea that is available at Dr. Kander's Hills Dental and Implant Centre. Dr. Kander will be happy to help you overcome sleep apnoea and enjoy a good night's sleep. Visit their website to learn more.

Say Goodbye To Sleep Apnea With Dental Treatments

Sleep Apnea Devices

Go through Snoring and Sleep Apnea: What Are the Facts About Oral Appliances Versus CPAP? far more

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which your breathing stops for a very brief moment during routine sleep as a result of a narrowing or blocking of the airway. Patients may sometimes be experiencing hundreds of these apnea episodes, or interruptions in breathing, through any one given night. Most people diagnosed with this medical condition, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), have a major problem with snoring. Snoring becomes problematic either for themselves or for a partner, spouse or other family member with whom they're sleeping.

There are several different common treatments for obstructive sleep apnea patients to get the condition under control, including snoring and apnea episodes. Oral appliances, or OAs, open the upper airway usually by pulling up while the OSA patient inhales and exhales. This makes the airways less narrow, which reduces snoring and, supposedly, apnea episodes as well. The other major treatment for OSA patients is with the use of continuous positive airway pressure machines. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines actually send forced air through the airways, holding them open to prevent apnea and reducing snoring.

Of course, there is much debate about the various treatments for obstructive sleep apnea and which yields the best results. In some cases, the patient may experience less apnea episodes (which is a good thing), but then experience more snoring or additional side effects. Research by scientists and professionals in the medical community has been conducted, especially over the past decade, to compare the effectiveness of CPAP versus other treatments like oral appliances.

CPAP Machines at Work

Before delving into the myriad of research scientists have performed with obstructive sleep apnea patients and CPAP technology, you must first understand how CPAP works to get sleep apnea and other symptoms, like snoring, under control. Most of the time in sleep apnea patients, the physiological cause of snoring and apnea episodes is because of the relaxation of muscles that occurs. This relaxation causes tissues in the back of the throat and the uvula to collapse, which ultimately restricts the passage of air. In turn, this affects your breathing through the night.

When a CPAP machine is prescribed for a sleep apnea patient, he or she is given a large machine as well as a CPAP mask. What happens during the night is that the patient wears the mask, which is connected to the machine. The CPAP machine forces air -- via the CPAP mask -- using positive pressure that gets sent to the airway to prevent its obstruction and improve breathing. In addition to improving breathing, the CPAP mask and machine also improves snoring.

Research on CPAP Effectiveness

The research conducted on CPAP machines have largely centered on their effectiveness for reducing snoring, apnea episodes and other symptoms associated with obstructive sleep apnea. When you consider the entire body of research, you may conclude the CPAP is perhaps the most effective treatment on the market for OSA patients. However, there are downsides as well.

Researchers at a university in Tokyo published a study in a 2004 issue of Internal Medicine in which they looked at the patient's quality of life, depressive symptoms and excessive daytime sleepiness before and after being treated with a CPAP machine. Before treatment with CPAP, researchers found that patients' quality of life was significantly associated with the ratings on their self-depression scales. After treatment, however, self-depression scales reduced significantly as also did the excessive sleepiness scale scores. The researchers concluded that treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea with CPAP improves patients' quality of life by alleviating depression.

Being treated with a CPAP machine at home also has great implications for your relationship with a spouse or bed partner. Researchers at a university in Chicago, Illinois, published a 2007 study in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in which they examined the sleep of married couples, both in the laboratory and at home. The researchers measured both the husband's and wives' quality of life (QOL) using a special self-report scale, and they also required the participants to take a sleepiness scale.

While the husband's adjustment to being treated with CPAP was positive and actually raised his QOL scores, the same was not true for the wives. Whether it was the noise from the machine or simply being conditioned to arousal, the wives' QOL scores were lower than the husband's after being treated with CPAP. In other words, the husband adjusted better to being treated with CPAP than the wives' did. However, researchers conclude that a longer follow-up period is needed in further research to determine if similar effects are seen.

Research on Oral Appliances

A comprehensive review published in a 2006 issue of Sleep looked at over 150 studies by researchers who conducted experiments and surveys designed to examine the efficacy of oral appliances. Oral appliances that were studied include those that are designed to hold the mandible forward and in place during sleep. The idea behind these devices is that the oral appliance will allow unobstructed breathing. Other studies the researchers reviewed used "boil and bite" OAs that the patients could fit themselves. The majority of the rest of the studies, however, used tongue-retaining devices (TRDs) that required a dentist to first make impressions and then a custom-made device to adequately fit the patient.

The researchers in the review article found that oral appliances are effective for controlling snoring and obstructive sleep apnea for the majority, but not all, patients. Specifically, approximately 52% of treated patients achieved success in controlling sleep apnea episodes when being treated with oral appliances. The researchers also compared the use and effectiveness of oral appliances to that of CPAP machines for sleep apnea and snoring. What they found was that oral appliances are overall less effective in improving sleep apnea than a CPAP machine is. However, oral appliances appear to be used more and many patients prefer these devices over CPAP when there is a choice between the two.

Overall, it appears that oral appliances and CPAP do work to get obstructive sleep apnea under control. However, these techniques or treatments may not work at the same rates of success and whether you're treated with CPAP over oral appliances, or vice versa, depends much on your specific situation and medical recommendations. Researchers have demonstrated enormous success using CPAP treatments on serious cases of obstructive sleep apnea and, while there may be a few downsides, CPAP seems to be the treatment modality of choice that's recommended most of the time.

Sleep Apnea Devices

Please feel free to stop by our website for help with what works and what doesn't to help you with your snoring problems. Check out the facts about using a snoring mouth guard [http://snoringmouthguard.net/] and whether or not stop snoring mouth guards [http://snoringmouthguard.net/types-of-snoring-mouth-guards/] might work for you.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea: What Are the Facts About Oral Appliances Versus CPAP?

Sleep Apnea Devices

Read through Using a CPAP Pillow to Reduce the Occurrence of Sleep Apnea extra

Using a CPAP Pillow to Reduce the Occurrence of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Devices

Sleep Apnea Devices

Suffering from sleep apnea is like having a nightmare, but it has worse consequences. This can disturb your sleep, and you would likely end up in a daze during the whole day. There is something that can help alleviate this disorder, and it involves Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure. Most of these devices have masks strapped on to the face of the individual, but these are sometimes bulky. One effective yet very comfortable mask type is the CPAP pillow.

These contraptions are attached to the nostrils of the individual who suffers from sleep apnea. Air is delivered straight into your nostrils, so it is an effective means of keeping the flow of air constant. Compared to other CPAP devices, nasal pillows are lightweight and very comfortable. Another advantage it has over other similar devices is that it is less likely to induce claustrophobia to the wearer.

There are different sizes, shapes and configurations for CPAP nasal pillows, and most of these differ from brand to brand. Before getting one though, it is important to find one that is just right for you. It must provide adequate comfort for you. Testing it before you buy is a sure way of telling if it is right for you or not.

For you to choose the right CPAP pillow, you would first need to find out your sleeping habits. Your sleeping habits could really affect your choice because the comfort that you get with the pillow depends on the sleeping position that you favor. It is really important to have the pillow stay on your face.

If you like to sleep on your belly or on your side, consider getting nasal pillows that are larger in size. These allow you to easily change positions without worrying that the mask will fall off. If you like to sleep on your back, however, you would be much better off getting pillows that are smaller in size. The smaller size is usually still sufficient for the purpose, and it is still comfortable to wear. Smaller nasal pillows also come in handy if you travel often. With them, you would not have to carry all the bulk that larger sized nasal pillows have.

Whatever type of nasal pillow that you choose, it is important to consult your doctor for specific brands of CPAP nasal pillows. This would make it easier for you to choose and find the most comfortable ones for you. Also, it is an added advantage that your doctor knows what your choice is so that your condition does not get any worse.

Getting the right nasal pillow is important since you would be wearing it almost eight hours a day. You must get one that makes you feel comfortable and also lets you breathe much easier when you sleep.

Before you put on your CPAP pillow, there must be some things that you should take care of to get a good night's sleep. For one thing, you should not consume alcohol before bedtime. It disrupts your sleep patterns, and may even make your apnea worse. You should also not eat or drink anything that has caffeine, since it keeps you awake and it might even not allow you to sleep.

Find out how CPAP Pillow [http://www.CPAPPillow.org/] helps sleeping disorders, Just visit [http://www.CPAPPillow.org/]

Study Ease Your Snoring and Sleep Apnea much more

Sleep apnea can be a very serious disorder. Breathing repeatedly stops and starts through out the sleeping cycle. It occurs in two main types; obstructive sleep apnea or central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the more common form and happens when the throat muscles relax. Central sleep apnea happens when your brain does not send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. Complex sleep apnea is a combination of both types.

Symptoms of sleep apnea are very similar for all types. This makes it really hard to diagnose the disorder. The most common symptoms are excessive daytime sleepiness, morning headache, insomnia, dry mouth or sore throat, awakening due to shortness of breath, and loud snoring. Loud snoring is most common in obstructive sleep apnea.

It is recommended to see a doctor if your symptoms are snoring loud enough to disturb others sleep or your own, shortness of breath that awakes you, pauses in breath during sleep, and excessive drowsiness. These symptoms are serious and need to be addressed.

The muscles that relax in the back of the throat support a soft palate, the uvula, the tonsils, and the tongue. When the muscles relax, airways narrow and close as you breathe in. this causes breathing to momentarily stop. This can lower the level of oxygen in your blood; the brain senses the inability to breathe and briefly wakes you from sleep to open the airways again. Normally it is so brief that the person does not remember awakening in the night. People with obstructive sleep apnea are not aware of awakening or other symptoms and tend to think that they sleep well at night.

When the brain fails to send signals to your breathing muscles is central sleep apnea. Awakening with shortness of breath or having a hard time getting or staying to sleep is very common. Heart disease is the most common cause of central of it, and stroke as well. People who have this disorder are more likely to remember there awakening in the night.

People with complex sleep apnea have obstructed airways similar to those with obstructive sleep apnea. There is a problem with the rhythm of breathing and occasional lapses of breathing that are short. People of all ages can get sleep apnea, male or female, old or young.

There are many complications with this disorder. The cardiovascular system can become very strained and cause a high risk for hypertension and hypoxemia. This risk of stroke is also increased. Fatigue is a great complication caused by it, severe day time drowsiness and irritability can occur as well as difficulty concentrating and you may find yourself falling asleep in places like work or driving in the car. Many partners of people who have this disorder are also sleep deprived. It is not uncommon for it to cause problems in relationships.

There are things you can do to relieve the symptoms and help you and your partner get better nights sleep. Snoring and Sleep Apnea Eze by Bell is a product designed to provide relief from the discomfort caused by snoring and sleep apnea. It will allow someone to sleep through the entire night undisturbed. It have all natural ingredients so it is perfectly safe to use regularly.

Sleep Apnea

Steven Johnson is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on any other health supplements please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements at http://www.alternative-health-supplements.com/bell-snoring-sleep-apnea-ezee.htm

Ease Your Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Read Sleep Apnea Remedies - From Weight Loss to Surgery much more

Sleep Apnea Remedies - From Weight Loss to Surgery

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that prevents the sleeper from breathing properly which in turn wakens the sleeper, and can become a bad enough condition that it can lead to heart disease and many other serious ailments. It can even become life threatening if allowed to reach critical stages. There are various sleep apnea remedies available depending your situation. Consult with your doctor before embarking on any treatment.

It is generally accepted that there are two distinct types of sleep apnea. Central apnea is caused by a lack of body messages to the brain to stimulate regular breathing while asleep. Additionally, there is Obstructive Sleep Apnea that is characterized as having a physical reason for breath blockage during sleep. This would, of course, happen despite the concentrated exertion of the sleeper to breathe.

Regardless of which type of sleep apnea you have, listed are some of the following methods that may work. Since this a condition that can be potentially life threatening, do not start any treatment without the advise from your doctor.

Because your blockage may be caused by excess tissue in your mouth and palate attributable to being obese, you may try to lose weight. This can only help your general well being.

Smoking and drinking alcohol may also prevent you from controlling the soft tissues in your throat, thus you might try to eliminate those habits.

If you suffer from apnea only when sleeping on your back, a tennis ball sewn into the back of your pajamas may prevent that and encourage you to sleep on your side. This is an old school remedy.

Some people find that it helps to raise the bed a few inches. Sleep apnea pillows (wedge pillows) are very popular and have been know to lessen the problem.

Sleeping pills or over-the-counter sleep aids been known to cause relaxation of the throat and help with sleep apnea.

Your doctor may suggest a sleep mask to be worn in conjunction with an air-producing device called a C-PAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine or a BiPAP (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure) machine that actually allows you to breathe out without the continuous air pressure that a C-PAP produces. Either one of these machines will keep the passageway unobstructed via air pressure to enable you to breathe properly and no longer have to struggle for breath.

Some people swear by oral prosthetics that keep the airway open, and others swear by strange operations entailing scarring of their palate, insertion of polyester substances into the palate, or even having radio frequencies introduced into their palates.

There is also surgery available for some, which entails removing the uvula, tonsils or the adenoids in an effort to clear or widen the airway.

Finally, a more dramatic solution for sleep apnea is Maxillomandibular Osteotomy or Advancement (MMO or MMA), procedures which entail detachment of both the upper and lower jaw, adjusting their placement and finally using pins and plates to solidify the new placement.

Great care needs to be taken when using sleep apnea remedies. Discuss any remedy with your doctor to understand the ramifications of any treatment.

Concerned about your sleeping problems? Take a short Sleep Apnea Quiz, visit http://www.SleepApneaMadeSimple.com Dianna Yvonne Smith is a consultant and expert in several areas of internet marketing. She has published articles and eBooks in the family, home, fitness, business and cooking categories.

Understand Sleep Apnea and Depression - Treating Apnea Can Alleviate Depression Symptoms far more

Sleep Apnea Devices

Sleep apnea and depression have been linked by many studies. Someone who has apnea is very likely to battle depression as well and treating apnea can reduce symptoms of both. A psychiatrist is not the way to go if you are experiencing depression and show signs of apnea. Their normal solution is to simply prescribe antidepressants. Instead, if you are showing signs of both sleep apnea and depression, you should seek a diagnosis and treatment for apnea first. Then if the symptoms of depression do not resolve after treatment, see a psychiatrist or other specialist for the condition that still exists. Most of the time treating underlying conditions such as apnea can resolve depression and other mental health issues.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that is very detrimental to a person's life and well-being. It can result in death if not diagnosed and treated. Apnea develops when tissue blocks the upper airway and restricts oxygen to the body. While someone is awake, the muscles in their throat keep the airway open and make it possible to breath. These muscles relax during sleep and the tissues interrupt breathing. This happens throughout the night causing the sufferer to wake up unable to breath. They gasp and choke for air and then fall back asleep with no recollection the next morning. Attacks can happen multiple times an hour. They wake up fatigued and begin to have memory and concentration problems. Over time if the condition is not treated, they can develop depression and heart conditions. Treatment is the only option for someone with sleep apnea. Ignoring the problem can be very damaging to a person's health and allow the disorder to become fatal. Symptoms can be hard to recognize unless another family member notices them and sees a problem. Someone who snores loudly and has these occurrences needs to seek professional help for better sleep and to remain both mentally and physically healthy.

Getting Sleep Apnea Treatment and Resolving Depression

To get a proper diagnosis and the right sleep apnea treatment, you need to first see a regular doctor. Tests will be done to ensure that there are no other health conditions causing these symptoms. The next step in getting sleep apnea treatment is seeing a sleep specialist. They are specifically trained in diagnosing a sleep disorder. A polysomnogram is the most common testing method to diagnose apnea. This test is performed in a monitored environment that looks and feels like a regular bedroom. Monitors are attached to observe sleep phases, brain activity, and the body's reaction during the episodes. Someone does visual monitoring as well. The results and notes are given to the specialist and they come up with a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been made, you will be presented with the results and options for treatment. Controlled positive airway pressure is one such option. This treatment is done at home and involves using a machine to keep the airway open. Other treatments involve dental devices or possible surgeries. The specialist evaluating your condition can provide complete information on every treatment and help you make the best decision.

Depression can be a direct result of sleep apnea and can be resolved by treating apnea itself. A sleep apnea treatment often reduces symptoms of both conditions for a better quality life.

Sleep Apnea and Depression - Treating Apnea Can Alleviate Depression Symptoms

Study Sleep Apnea is Curable far more

Sleep Apnea Devices

A person experiences sleep disorder if he or she is taking pauses in breathing while sleeping. This sleep disorder is known as sleep apnea. The person misses one or more breaths in this disease. The long pause between breaths is known as apnea which repeats itself continuously while sleeping. The minimum pause between breaths is of 10 seconds. The disruption in breathing is combined with neurological arousal or desaturation in the oxygen present in blood. Sleep apnea cures can be affected with the help of a sleep test during the night which is known as sleep study or polysomnogram. It has three different forms that are known as, Complex, Obstructive and Central.

Mostly people suffer from the obstructive form of this sleep problem. Disruption in breathing in this form of apnea is caused by blockage in the airflow in spite of the respiratory effort. But in the central form of sleep apnea, reduced effort from the respiratory system causes interruptions in breathing. The transition from central to obstructive features is the reason behind the breathing disturbance in complex problem. Sleep apnea cures will help you diagnosed by this sleep disorder.

The worse part of this disease is that the person suffering from breathing problem does not have a clue about it. The problem is recognized by another person who notices the symptoms of this sleep disorder in the individual. The symptoms may persist for years if left unidentified. The sufferer may become habituated to the drowsiness and exhaustion during the day time. The only solutions to this are the various forms of sleep apnea cures.


o Loud Snoringo Panting to get oxygen into the lungs while sleepingo Waking up in a panico Awakenings to resume breathingo Repeated silences due to apneao Drowsiness the next dayo Exhausted even after a night's sleep


Sleep apnea cures are possible through CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. The main problem is that this treatment only cures obstructive sleep apnea and not the other two. People suffering from this disease are required to wear a mask like device while sleeping. A fall in the air passage is prevented through pressurized air which comes from this device. The size of the CPAP unit is that of a tissue box and it comes with a humidifier to comfort the patient.

People find this device to be very uncomfortable and hard to use even after knowing the result of this treatment. But taking into consideration the problems of the patients using these sleep apnea cures, little advancement has been made to help them utilize it in a comfortable manner. The device now is much lighter and quieter for use.

Surgical methods are also available to cure this sleeping disorder. The various levels of disruptions are addressed through various surgeries like those on the throat, facial skeleton, nasal passage and base of tongue. Central apnea can even be cured through sleeping on one's side.

David is a writer and works from home with his partner of nine years. In his spare time he keeps his mind active through reading, swimming and RPG games. David believes that our health is extremely important because without our health we have absolutely nothing. Sleep Well and Live a Better Life! For more info regarding sleep apnea visit SleepDiscussion.com/sleep-apnea [http://sleepdiscussion.com/sleep-apnea]. While you'are visiting SleepDiscussion.com, make sure you find out how you can obtain your free sleep report! [http://SleepDiscussion.com]

Sleep Apnea is Curable

Read through Selecting The Right Apnea Treatment a lot more

At times, it may seem difficult to choose a sleep apnea treatment that works. With so many choices, it can be tough to know which apnea treatment method works best and which does not.

An individual who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea requires a prompt apnea treatment in order to avoid the serious complications that are often associated with the disorder. Among them, heart disease, a greater likelihood of a stroke or other serious medical condition.

First and foremost on your mind when selecting an apnea treatment should be safety. Is the product or procedure safe?

What type of risks or warnings are associated with its use? If you are considering the use of an anti-snoring device, this may help you to have better quality sleep but these products are not intended to be a cure for sleep apnea on their own.

For instance, the Sleep Genie is a doctor recommended anti-snoring device that may help sufferers enjoy a better quality sleep. While supporting the jaw, it helps the mouth to remain closed using a comfortable nylon lycra blend. It is important to understand that the Sleep Genie is not intended to be a cure for sleep apnea, but rather a product that can help the sufferer to rest better throughout the night..

In addition, apnea sufferers who use the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine may benefit from the added use of the Sleep Genie, which helps to keep the mouth closed. Users of the CPAP machine need to sleep with their mouth closed in order to keep the air, provided by the machine, from escaping during sleep.

Other natural sleep apnea treatment methods include the removal of household allergens with the help of air filtration devices, sleeping on your side instead of your back, giving up cigarettes and/or alcohol and paying close attention to your diet. Obesity is one of the leading causes of snoring, which is a direct sign of sleep apnea.

Therefore, if you are overweight or have been diagnosed as being obese, it may be time to consider a medically supervised diet and exercise program as the next step in your apnea treatment search. In addition to being a good sleep apnea treatment, losing weight will help to improve your overall health.

This article is intended for informational purposes only.

It should not be used as, or in place of, professional medical advice. Before beginning any treatment for snoring, please consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and remedy.

Sleep Apnea Devices

For more info on how to stop snoring fast please visit: http://www.sleepgenie.com

Selecting The Right Apnea Treatment

Sleep Apnea Devices

Examine Sleep Apnea Machines much more

Sleep apnea, (apnea from the Greek for "without breath") is a potentially life threatening sleep disorder characterized by frequent pauses in breath during sleep. Several treatments exist, including machines that assist with keeping the airway open. These sleep apnea machines consist of a small medical pump and a tube connected to a mask, which is worn over the mouth, over the nose, or both. The sleep apnea machines pump a controlled amount of pressurized air into the airway, holding open the relaxed muscles, much like air inflates a balloon.

Sleep apnea machines are available only through a physician's description, and must have Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. The patient's physician determines, the amount of pressurized air delivered, based on the type and the severity of the patient's sleep apnea.

Several types of sleep apnea machines are available. The most common of sleep apnea machines is CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure. A CPAP is usually about the size of a shoebox, sometimes smaller. The machine connects to the facemask via a flexible tube and works by pushing air through the tube at a high enough pressure to prevent episodes of sleep apnea.

Another type of sleep apnea machines is VPAP, or variable positive airway pressure. Also known as bi-level or BiPAP, this machine uses an electronic circuit to monitor the patient's breathing, to provide two different pressures. A higher pressure is used for inhalation, while a lower one flows for exhalation. VPAP or BiPAP is more expensive than CPAP and is sometimes used for patients who have other respiratory problems, and/or who have difficulty breathing out against pressure.

A third option is APAP, or automatic positive airway pressure. Recently approved by the FDA, this sleep apnea machine incorporates pressure sensors and a computer, which continuously monitors the patient's breathing. APAP can then automatically adjust the pressure as the patients breathing patterns shift. Of the types listed, APAP is the most sophisticated, and may be the most expensive.

Features available on sleep apnea machines include ramps, which allow the patient to begin the night's sleep at a lower pressure and "ramp" it up as sleep deepens. Sleep apnea machines also come with a heated humidifier. Warm, moist air, along with preventing sleep apnea events, can also ease breathing and the side effects of dry mouth and sore throat upon waking. Some sleep apnea machines have the capability to monitor how often the patient uses the CPAP. Others can also record if the patient experienced any sleep apnea events while using the sleep apnea machine. The patient's physician can download this data to verify the effectiveness of treatment.

Adding a compliance motor to sleep apnea machines provides objective verification that the patient is obtaining sufficient amounts of restful sleep. For sleep apnea machines with this feature, the patient may have to take the machine into the sleep center to download data, or may send the data via a telephone modem, supplied with the machine, that does not require Internet access.

Sleep Apnea

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea. by T. D. Houser

Sleep Apnea Machines

Sleep Apnea