Most oral problems come with recognizable symptoms which alert you to seek help from your dentist. Some others are not so obvious, and if left untreated, can lead to serious conditions including death. Sleep Apnea has been called the silent killer because of the fact that it is not easy to identify initially, since it works when you are asleep. You really can't call it silent, though, if your partner has complained about you snoring on several occasions.
Can Snoring Harm You?
Snoring disrupts the normal pattern of breathing while you sleep. It limits the chances of you having a healthy sleep process. Most people don't consider snoring as a serious problem but you will be surprised to learn that it affects more than a million of Australians, particularly people who are overweight or over 50 years of age. Snoring affects personal lives and even impacts the individual's relationship with their significant other. Snoring also leads to tiredness and fatigue.
Could It Be Sleep Apnea?
You are told that you snore when you sleep. At times, a muscle spasm occurs when your brain registers a lack of oxygen and you find yourself gasping for air. After the interrupted sleep, you resume breathing and go back to sleep. You stop breathing for almost a minute and this may happen as many as thirty times a night. You wake up felling unrefreshed and feel tired all day. Sleep apnea occurs due to the obstruction of airway during sleep, often due to relaxation of tongue and the muscles of the airway.
Can Sleep Apnea Be Cured?
It certainly can. Consult your dentist for advice if you are in doubt that you suffer from Sleep Apnea. There are a variety of sleep apnea oral appliances like SomnoDent that are available today and you no longer have to suffer sleepless nights ever again.
Your dentist will carry out a thorough examination to ensure that SomnoDent will work for you. Impressions of your teeth are taken and a customised SomnoDent sleep apnea treatment device is created for you. Similar to an athletic mouth guard, device is designed to hold your lower jaw forward while you sleep. This enables the muscles of the upper airway to tighten, and allow you to breathe much easier. This comfortable device will allow you to open your mouth, speak, and drink when you have it on.
Following the treatment, you will need to consult your dentist at least once a year and carry out an in-home test to make sure that your breathing disorder is under control. The test results enable your dentist to decide if any adjustments are required and also give you peace of mind when you learn that you are not at any risk.
Say goodbye to snoring and sleep apnea. SomnoDent Oral Sleep Apnea Appliances is a comfortable and effective treatment for sleep apnea that is available at Dr. Kander's Hills Dental and Implant Centre. Dr. Kander will be happy to help you overcome sleep apnoea and enjoy a good night's sleep. Visit their website to learn more.