Read Sleep Apnea Remedies - From Weight Loss to Surgery much more

Sleep Apnea Remedies - From Weight Loss to Surgery

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that prevents the sleeper from breathing properly which in turn wakens the sleeper, and can become a bad enough condition that it can lead to heart disease and many other serious ailments. It can even become life threatening if allowed to reach critical stages. There are various sleep apnea remedies available depending your situation. Consult with your doctor before embarking on any treatment.

It is generally accepted that there are two distinct types of sleep apnea. Central apnea is caused by a lack of body messages to the brain to stimulate regular breathing while asleep. Additionally, there is Obstructive Sleep Apnea that is characterized as having a physical reason for breath blockage during sleep. This would, of course, happen despite the concentrated exertion of the sleeper to breathe.

Regardless of which type of sleep apnea you have, listed are some of the following methods that may work. Since this a condition that can be potentially life threatening, do not start any treatment without the advise from your doctor.

Because your blockage may be caused by excess tissue in your mouth and palate attributable to being obese, you may try to lose weight. This can only help your general well being.

Smoking and drinking alcohol may also prevent you from controlling the soft tissues in your throat, thus you might try to eliminate those habits.

If you suffer from apnea only when sleeping on your back, a tennis ball sewn into the back of your pajamas may prevent that and encourage you to sleep on your side. This is an old school remedy.

Some people find that it helps to raise the bed a few inches. Sleep apnea pillows (wedge pillows) are very popular and have been know to lessen the problem.

Sleeping pills or over-the-counter sleep aids been known to cause relaxation of the throat and help with sleep apnea.

Your doctor may suggest a sleep mask to be worn in conjunction with an air-producing device called a C-PAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine or a BiPAP (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure) machine that actually allows you to breathe out without the continuous air pressure that a C-PAP produces. Either one of these machines will keep the passageway unobstructed via air pressure to enable you to breathe properly and no longer have to struggle for breath.

Some people swear by oral prosthetics that keep the airway open, and others swear by strange operations entailing scarring of their palate, insertion of polyester substances into the palate, or even having radio frequencies introduced into their palates.

There is also surgery available for some, which entails removing the uvula, tonsils or the adenoids in an effort to clear or widen the airway.

Finally, a more dramatic solution for sleep apnea is Maxillomandibular Osteotomy or Advancement (MMO or MMA), procedures which entail detachment of both the upper and lower jaw, adjusting their placement and finally using pins and plates to solidify the new placement.

Great care needs to be taken when using sleep apnea remedies. Discuss any remedy with your doctor to understand the ramifications of any treatment.

Concerned about your sleeping problems? Take a short Sleep Apnea Quiz, visit Dianna Yvonne Smith is a consultant and expert in several areas of internet marketing. She has published articles and eBooks in the family, home, fitness, business and cooking categories.