Sleep apnea death is quite possible. The reason for that is the pressure sleep apnea puts on the whole body, especially on the heart and brain. So, it is only normal for this condition to lead to heart attacks, congestive heart failures and strokes.
Age and obesity are two factors that make people more susceptible to suffer from sleep apnea (SA). But that doesn't mean that people who are overweight, or children, even infants, can't suffer from this sleeping disorder.
Recent studies have shown that there is a real risk of death in people suffering from sleeping apnea. One such study has been conducted by a prestigious medical institution, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.
For this research were used over 6,000 people aged over 40, none of whom were treated for sleep related conditions. At enrolment these people had a health examination. Their night-time breathing, sleep patterns, and blood oxygen levels were also assessed.
During an 8 year follow-up period, 1,047 participants died, 587 men and 460 women. The results have shown that participants with severe sleep-disordered breathing when compared with participants without sleep-disordered sleeping were about one and a half times as likely to die from any cause after adjustment for potential confounding factors.
Taking into consideration the age and sex of the participants, it was found that men aged 40-70 years with severe sleep-disordered breathing had twice the risk of dying from any cause compared with men of a similar age without sleep-disordered breathing.
The results of the study were published in the August 18, 2009 issue of the journal PLoS Medicine and they indicate that "sleep-disordered breathing is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality, particularly in men aged 40-70 years".
Because the number of women participants who suffered from SA was too small, a similar conclusion regarding women couldn't be drawn.
In conclusion, people should first try to find out if they have sleeping apnea, and if they have they should consider possible way of treatment, because left alone this condition increases the risk of sleep apnea death.
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