There are many reasons why men will resist testing and treatment for Sleep Apnea.
The Denial
"I have no problem!" Men do not want to acknowledge that they are older and/or heavier. Who does? The older they cannot do anything about. The heavier can be handled for most, but it is a long painful process (insert "Lack of Willpower" here). Face it. We all still want to dream that we have the prowess of our youth.
The Weakness
Men do not want to appear to be weak. They do not want to have help from someone else. I guess it is part of the man's psyche to not show weakness for fear the rest of the "pack" may turn on them. And a weakness puts a man in the position of having to ask another for help. Asking for help puts one at the mercy of another. What man wants that?
The Expense
Sleep clinics cost money. Even if you have insurance, most health plans will only cover you for 80%, leaving the 20% for you, the patient, to pickup. Let me see. I have a friend that just went into a sleep center for a routine sleep study. Wow, his 20% co-pay landed him with a $1200 bill AFTER the insurance had paid its share. He did not get a CPAP machine or additional surgery. Just imagine how many $1,000's of dollars additional all of that would have cost him.
The Ball and Chain
If you know someone that has a CPAP machine, then you know what a bother it can be. From cleaning the mask to the fight to eliminate the leaks, it is a pain to have a CPAP machine. Every time you go on an airplane, it is another piece of baggage to get searched. To go camping requires a marine battery. To hug your wife at night while in bed without blowing air in her face is an art. How romantic is that?
The Payoff
You didn't think I was going to just give you reasons to NOT get tested and treated, did you. No way. The payoff is everything. True, all the previous reasons are hard to take, but the quality of life that you get back is amazing. It is worth it to not get fired because you can now perform your job properly. It is worth it to play with your grandchildren instead of being zonked out on the couch. It is worth it to not fall asleep at the wheel and cause the death of the drivers around you. There are many more payoffs, but I will leave you with these.
Get treated. The payoffs from Sleep Apnea testing and treatment far outweigh the excuses.
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